Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

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Deploying Computer Vision to the Edge at Anduril Industries with Forrest Iandola
November 17, 2021

Neural networks, in particular, deep neural networks have revolutionized machine learning.  Researchers and companies have pushed on the efficiency of every aspect of the machine learning lifecycle. 

Yotascale with Jake Reichert
November 15, 2021

Modern businesses run on the cloud and increasingly so they run on multi-cloud infrastructure.  As any growing company can tell you, cloud costs can easily run far out of control.  Today’s enterprises

Grace Gong said she thought I could be president and then she disappeared.
November 13, 2021

I call my friends at Pal Jazeera to action.

in other old news (Bryan Hubble) Supercompute, Inc makes bid to acquire Hasbro for an eigth of shitty marijuanda
November 13, 2021

The post in other old news (Bryan Hubble) Supercompute, Inc makes bid to acquire Hasbro for an eigth of shitty marijuanda appeared first on Software Engineering Daily.

The incrimination will not stop until Sunday is reclaimed.
November 13, 2021

Gadiel is my best friend. I will find what happened to him at all costs.

sed makes bid to acquire club’s house poker room and casino-style restaurant
November 13, 2021

CONS lmao UT AUSTIN FOREVER WHAT STARTS HERE PWNS LESLIE LAMP-Portz I like YT Music, Spotify, Apple Muzic, etc   idk what erlang is and do not really want to – llamao GG (you lose) I love grace gong –

hand sanitizer is probably also for your phone
November 13, 2021

plastic plants can affect electronics

I believe Germany won WWII then enslaved China. Let’s find out.
November 13, 2021

This should be an interesting puzzle to solve.

Facebook makes its money through advertising fraud
November 13, 2021

they show ads to bots who do not have buying capacity it’s very dumb. You can read about it on this website Google does it too. It’s fucking dumb. to understand potential for alternative monetary syst