Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Protocol Labs Research with Jeromy Johnson
June 23, 2022

Breakthroughs from labs that are exclusively or mostly focused on research tend to stay buried as papers. Sometimes the lag is natural, the research is far ahead of its broad applicability. But we fin

Building for Crypto with Lewis Tuff
June 22, 2022

As crypto gains worldwide attention, the most scalable, resilient and performant systems are required for the industry to thrive. Products must be designed for a mix of technical and non-technical use Infrastructure with Lewis Tuff
June 21, 2022

Blockchains are the distributed ledger technology underlying bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. More broadly, a blockchain is a mechanism for updating truth states in distributed network computing, p

Kubernetes Spend with Webb Brown
June 17, 2022

This episode is hosted by Lee Atchison. Lee Atchison is a software architect, author, and thought leader on cloud computing and application modernization. His most recent book, Architecting for Scale

Valora Decentralized Venmo with Charlie Andrews-Jubelt
June 16, 2022

Web3 promises to change the way we interact and transact online, but today’s dapps and wallets are hard to use. They are typically optimized for desktop machines and domain experts. In particular, it

ContainIQ with Matthew Lenhard
June 13, 2022

While Kubernetes has many benefits, there is often a need for teams to deploy a monitoring and observability stack to troubleshoot issues that happen within the cluster and the applications themselves

Open-Source Cloud Asset Management with Yevgeny Pats
June 10, 2022

This episode is hosted by Alex DeBrie. Alex is the author of The DynamoDB Book, the comprehensive guide to data modeling with DynamoDB, as well as The DynamoDB Guide, a free guided introduction to Dyn

Upgrading The Rocket In The Air – CTO Decisions with Cos Nicolaescu
June 09, 2022

How to build a rocket ship while flying it? In this episode, Cos returns to the show to discuss the technologies and approach Brex chose to create an engineering organization and innovation engine for

Global State Management with James Cowling
June 02, 2022

Convex makes storing your application’s data as easy as using React state management. If you can use React hooks, you can also manage your backend data using Convex. James Cowling is a former Dropbox

Infura Ethereum Infrastructure with E.G. Galano
June 02, 2022

Developers looking for read or write access to Ethereum, Polygon, IPFS or other Web3 networks in order to get their idea in the hands of users need reliable RPC endpoints they can count on, whether th