Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

Permit Elements and Fullstack Authorization with Or Weis
January 24, 2023

Permissions are Hard! And they are becoming harder as we move more into the Cloud-native ecosystem. If we go back in time to the point where it was just a single monolith that you were building on you

Databricks Unity Catalog with Zeashan Pappa
January 19, 2023

Data catalogs are one way to address the tension between wanting to use all the data for business advantage and needing to govern all the data for compliance. Today, Zeashan Pappa, a Databricks Produc

Webhooks at Scale with Alexandre Bouchard
January 17, 2023

Webhooks are used in connecting two different online applications. Webhooks allow one program to send data to another as soon as a certain event takes place.And because they are event-driven, webhooks

Caching at Twitter with Yao Yue
January 12, 2023

Twitter is a social media platform that does some incredibly complex stuff when it comes to distributed systems engineering to keep the website up and running. Twitter has open sourced a lot of projec

Cloud Native Compiler with John Ceccarelli
January 11, 2023

Java is a write once run anywhere programming language. The way you do that is you use the javac compiler and compile the source files down to the class files. Those class files can run on any system

MLOps Systems at Scale with Krishna Gade
January 10, 2023

Although we like to think about ML workflows as straight-line narratives from experiment to training to production, and then finally monitoring; the reality for large companies is that all the steps

Optimizing Cloud Data Platforms with Mingsheng Hong
January 06, 2023

Mingsheng Hong, is CEO and co-founder (along with Zheng Shao) of Bluesky. He is a thought leader for machine learning and has built data infrastructure to support some of the worlds most challenging

Software Supply Chain with Dan Lorenc
January 06, 2023

Show host: Jordi Mon Companys Guest: Dan Lorenc

Open Source Software Lifecycle Management and Security with Varun Badhwar
January 05, 2023

In this episode we talk with Varun Badhwar, Founder and CEO of Endor Labs. Show host: Sean Falconer

Pipelines as Code with Sam Alba
January 04, 2023

Show Host: Jordi Mon Companys Guest: Sam Alba Transcript