Software Engineering Daily

Software Engineering Daily

Latest Episodes

GitHub Copilot with Joseph Katsioloudes
December 19, 2023

GitHub Copilot is an AI tool developed by GitHub and OpenAI to assist software developers by autocompleting code. Copilot kicked off a revolution in software engineering, and AI assistants are now con

Bonus Episode: Bazel with Julio Merino
December 18, 2023

Build systems coordinate all the steps to transform source code into a production application. Bazel is a build system and testing tool that was first released in 2015 as a free and open-source port o

Kubernetes at Google with Ben Elder
December 14, 2023

Containers make it possible to standardize the deployment of software to any compute environment. However, managing and orchestrating containers at scale is a major challenge. Kubernetes was originall

Deno with Luca Casonato
December 13, 2023

Deno is a free and open source JavaScript runtime built on Googles V8 engine, Rust, and Tokio. The project was announced by Ryan Dahl in 2018 with the goal of addressing shortcomings of Node.js, whic

Weights & Biases with Chris Van Pelt
December 12, 2023

Machine learning model research requires running expensive, long-running experiments where even a slight mis-calibration can cost millions of dollars in underutilized compute resources. Once trained,

Tracking Drug Smugglers and Migrating Databases with Benny Keinan and Lior Resisi
December 07, 2023

Maritime logistics is the process organizing the movement of goods across the ocean. Historically, this has been a challenging problem because of the multinational nature of shipping, as well as pirac

Software Supply Chain Security with Michael Lieberman
December 06, 2023

One of the most famous software exploits in recent years was the SolarWinds attack in 2020. In this attack, Russian hackers inserted malicious code into the SolarWinds Orion system, allowing them to i

Hugging Face with Sayak Paul
December 05, 2023

Hugging Face was founded in 2016 and has grown to become one of the most prominent ML platforms. Its commonly used to develop and disseminate state-of-the-art ML models and is a central hub for resea

KubeCon Special: Docker with Justin Cormack
December 04, 2023

This episode of Software Engineering Daily is part of our on-site coverage of KubeCon 2023, which took place from November 6th through 9th in Chicago. In todays interview, host Jordi Mon Companys spe

KubeCon Special: Sigstore with Santiago Torres-Arias
December 03, 2023

This episode of Software Engineering Daily is part of our on-site coverage of KubeCon 2023, which took place from November 6th through 9th in Chicago. In todays interview, host Jordi Mon Companys spe