Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update PODCAST: Forgotten Mother
February 03, 2021

Simply the mention of the word “MOTHER” caused one person on the call to stand up, sprint away, and abandon their planned date with no warning! Sounds like some serious mommy issues in today's Second Date Update.

Second Date Update PODCAST: I Love You, Meet My Dad
February 01, 2021

One of our listeners moved WAY TOO FAST on his first date and what he said to her left us shuddering at the massive levels of CRINGE!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Missing Date
January 29, 2021

If you REALLY want to get a man's attention take a lesson from the woman who called today, she has a trick that works LIKE A CHARM!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Pay For The Sex
January 27, 2021

We've all had a moment where you meant to say one thing and said another that was much worse. That's what happened to one listener and he has A LOT of explaining to do to redeem himself!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Paint The Baby Room
January 25, 2021

The woman on the phone said her date night involved somebody going into LABOR... But she swears she had a GREAT time!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Mechanic Mistake
January 22, 2021

The listener who emailed us is 99% sure she knows why she's being ghosted.... It's not when she asked her date what he does for a living... But the UNBELIEVABLE thing she asked after!

Second Date Update UPDATE Podcast: Car-Jacked
January 21, 2021

A few months ago one listener was worried that her car was STOLEN during a date and she asked for our help getting it back. She's back with updates!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Risky Joke
January 20, 2021

Showing your sense of humor on a first date is very important. But one of our listeners took a risk and told a bad joke that ended him up in the dog house and begging us for help with a Second Date!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Mrs. Butterfingers
January 15, 2021

There's one word to describe this date...DISASTROUS. Nothing stayed on the right track and now one of our listeners needs help redeeming herself!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Coffee Shop Jordans
January 13, 2021

The woman on the phone says her life was changed FOREVER after meeting a guy at a coffee shop, which was pretty inspiring... Until we learned the bizarre truth behind it all....