Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update PODCAST: The Boring Test
April 19, 2021

One of our listeners claims he’s developed a plan to determine is someone is relationship-worthy on the very first date. But does his system sound too good to be true?

Second Date Update Podcast: High Maintenance
April 07, 2021

In the dating world, you never want to be labeled “High Maintenance", and one of our listeners is worried that’s what her date thought of her.... Even though she swears she isn’t! She needs our help getting him to believe her.

Second Date Update PODCAST: Falling Off The Horse
April 05, 2021

The saying goes “If you fall off the horse. Get back on.” One of our listeners LITERALLY fell off the horse on his date, and he believes the woman he was out with MADE IT HAPPEN.

Second Date Update PODCAST: Locked In the Park
April 02, 2021

Imagine being trapped in a park....At NIGHT...During a first date! It happened to one of our listeners and now that she's finally out, she's ready to tell us what happened that night!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Come Back Later
March 31, 2021

One listener faced one of the most uncomfortable interactions with her date BEFORE it even started... You'll NEVER show up early for a date again after this...

Second Date Update PODCAST: Crime Doesn't Pay- It Dates
March 29, 2021

It can be hard to tell if a woman likes you... And one of our listeners THOUGHT he was reading all the signs right, but after taking his chance she's not calling him back and completely disappeared!

Second Date Update PODCAST: Promtastrophe
March 26, 2021

Have standards even been lower in the dating game? We may restore your faith in romance, because one of our listeners went above and beyond to plan a special night.

Second Date Update PODCAST: To Cheat Or Not To Cheat
March 24, 2021

One of our listeners met an incredible woman 5 years ago, and only now is he finally ready to reach out. Why did he wait so long and did he miss his chance?

Second Date Update PODCAST: Quirky Lady
March 22, 2021

The woman in today’s Second Date is someone we’ll be talking about for years, all because of her one bizarre dating ritual!

Second Date Update PODCAST: High School Love
March 19, 2021

One of our listeners thought he got ghosted when his date never showed up, but we've figured out the woman actually WAS there the whole time.....