Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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Second Date Update: Hot Body Who
May 12, 2023

The woman in today’s Second Date openly admits she was giving her date ALL the signals… But why didn’t he reciprocate?  We're going to call him and find out!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Dating Is Like A Box Of Chocolates
May 10, 2023

The guy on the phone today was vulnerable on his first date...But after he shared his hopes and dreams the evening went downhill quick...See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Lobster Lunges
May 08, 2023

The guy in today’s Second Date knew a WEIRD amount of personal info about his date before they met up. He says it’s not creepy and entirely REASONABLE. Judge for yourself in the podcast! See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: My Dream Woman
May 05, 2023

We may have met the baddest of all BADDIES in todays Second Date and its all because of HOW he managed to seduce his dateSee for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Fran Fiction
May 03, 2023

The woman in today’s Second Date might have divulged a little TOO MUCH when she was asked about her career… and while her answer was 100% true… he’s 100% not calling her back…See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Hibachi Trick
May 01, 2023

The guy on the phone today had a plan to create a memorable moment during his date...and it ended up almost getting them kicked out halfway through dinner...But did it still impress her? See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: High Flyer Liar
April 26, 2023

The woman in today’s Second Date has such a COOL job, it stopped us all in our tracks. We wanted to know every single detail, and you will too!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Private Jet Regret
April 24, 2023

This might be one of the first International Second Dates we’ve ever done! So come take a ride with us in an ultra-classy Second Date podcast!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update: Day Date Surprise
April 21, 2023

The guy in today’s Second Date keeps ONE THING in his pocket to guarantee things go JUST RIGHT on every date. What is it? Find out in the podcast!See for privacy information.

Second Date Update UPDATE: Sick In Love
April 20, 2023

We helped Chris get a date with Connie after he had virtually zero shot of ever hearing from her again, and now a few months removed we’re going to catch up with the couple and see what's gone on in their relationship since!See for