Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Sick of Mozzarella Sticks
September 27, 2021

We've all had bad dates where you need an excuse to escape...But NOTHING tops what the guy in today's Second Date did to end his date early... It's the dumbest but most desperate move we've ever heard

Second Date Update: Accident At First Sight
September 24, 2021

One of our listeners told her date something pretty risque and embarrassing after having too many margaritas. She hasn't heard from him since, but is willing to relive that moment and confess what hap

Second Date Update: What's Your Name Again?
September 22, 2021

Today's Second Date ended with the whole studio yelling at Brooke to GET OUT… She tried to stand up for our listener, but things seriously backfired. It was embarrassing for Brooke... But hilarious fo

Second Date Update: Dog Poop Disposal
September 20, 2021

Today’s Second Date started a HUGE CONTROVERSY in the studio... Not only was our listener called rude by his date...But by the end of the call, Brooke AND Jeff were accused of being horrible people!

Second Date Update: Toilet Paper Prank
September 17, 2021

In today's Second Date we're on the phone with a guy who SLEPT OVER at his date's house before being ghosted...And now he wants our help figuring out if he went from a stud to a dud.

Second Date Update UPDATE: High School Love
September 16, 2021

The couple on the phone today called us a few months ago and agreed to a Second Date...And now, the guy emailed us saying he has a HUGE surprise to give her and wants to do it on our show!

Second Date Update: Crystal Clear Aura
September 15, 2021

Today, we have a woman on the phone who went out with a guy...and during their date… she took something out of her purse, and rubbed it ON HIS LEG… The question is: What was it?

Second Date Update: Father Permission
September 13, 2021

If you only listen to only one Second Date Update the entire year, this is the one...The most insane twist we’ve ever heard that's happened on a date... NO ONE SAW IT COMING.

Second Date Update: Not-So-Spontaneous
September 10, 2021

We can all appreciate a guy who puts in effort, but there's a secret formula for just HOW much to put in. The guy in today's Second Date didn't have it figured out and now he isn't getting a call back

Second Date Update: Male Model Mishap
September 08, 2021

Turns out it's hard being beautiful...Because a successful male model needs OUR HELP today. He made his date so awkward they even his good looks can't save him!