Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Slumming With A Soap Carver
November 09, 2021

The woman on the phone today is definitely attracted to a very unique "type" of guy... And we can't tell if she's a saint or a villain for it....

Second Date Update: Beauty and the Playboy
November 08, 2021

In today's Second Date we're learning a new trick to pull on the ladies.... And you know it's credible, because it comes from a guy who calls himself Playboy Mark...

Second Date Update: Speakeasy Poker Room
November 05, 2021

In today's Second Date, we have a woman on the phone who swears she's NEVER been rejected before...And for the first time ever....She's been ghosted...And needs our help finding out why!

Second Date Update: Falling Off The Horse
November 04, 2021

The saying goes “If you fall off the horse. Get back on.” One of our listeners LITERALLY fell off the horse on his date, and he believes the woman he was out with MADE IT HAPPEN.

Second Date Update: Beanbag Guinea Pigs
November 03, 2021

Today's Second Date sounded less like a romantic date, and more like a scene out of the "Squid Game." It involved jumpsuits, two-way mirrors and a series of bizarre tasks they had to perform....

Second Date Update: Crying Executive Officer
November 02, 2021

Today we're taking friend zoning to a whole new level... By doing it over the radio!! Honestly, it's one of the most uncomfortable calls we've ever done!

Second Date Update: Free Coffee Scam Girl
November 01, 2021

It’s pretty safe to a say your date isn't going amazing if you have swear to them that you have NOT secretly been following them...That's what happened to one of our listeners and she needs our help t

Second Date Update: It's a Costume Dummy
October 29, 2021

One of our listeners met his date at a Halloween party when he over-confidently used a pick-up line... That seriously backfired. He quickly realized his mistake and wants our help redeeming himself!

Second Date Update: The Legend Of Hot Carl
October 28, 2021

We were left speechless, dumbfounded and a little creeped out after today’s Second Date. It’s a call unlike anything we’ve ever done before... and we're still not really sure what actually happened...

Second Date Update: Blackout Drunk Shuttlecock
October 27, 2021

One of our listeners was at a Halloween house party when he met his date, but she ghosted him the next day! He needs help finding out why she’s not calling him back...Because he doesn't remember most