Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Tough Mudder Love
February 09, 2022

Matt from today’s Second Date Update thinks he knows the EXACT moment he botched his chance with Anna. We’ll see if we can rectify his situation!

Second Date Update: Wrong Number Is Oh So Right
February 08, 2022

One of our listeners made a harmless mistake on her first date, but the guy she saw is adamant that she actually ruined his life. Dramatic much?

Second Date Update: Hot Girl Jumper
February 07, 2022

The listener on the phone today swears she found a way to get more compliments and free drinks than ever at a bar... But all the attention might have scared her date away...

Second Date Update: All Woke No Joke
February 04, 2022

A surprise during a date made one woman get up and leave immediately. Is it the most ridiculous reason to not call someone back ever?

Second Date Update UPDATE: Beatles Cover Band Bonanza
February 03, 2022

We caught up with some listeners from a past Second Date and now we have some juicy details on what they’ve been up to. No, Brooke didn’t try to join them as a third, but you can hear what did happen

Second Date Update: Forgotten Mother
February 03, 2022

Simply the mention of the word “mother” caused one person on the call to stand up, sprint away, and abandon their planned date with no warning. Sounds like the mother of all mommy issues…

Second Date Update: Too Hot To Be Homeless
February 02, 2022

The listener on the phone needs our help, because after spending 3 days in a row at her place together... Her date has suddenly ghosted her...Now we're going to call him and find out what really happe

Second Date Update: Take A Picture Of My Date
February 01, 2022

One of our listeners wants help getting hundreds of dollars back from someone he barely knows, all without ruining his chance at another rendezvous.

Second Date Update: An Axe To Grind
January 31, 2022

One of our listeners was SHOCKED when his date showed up to a normal date wearing a costume and it ended up affecting the entire night!

Second Date Update: Hot Burrito Boy
January 28, 2022

Today we're helping with a problem in the Zoom dating world... One of our listeners had a themed, virtual first date...And she's worried her Zoom fail ruined everything!