Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

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Second Date Update: Sloshing or Swimming
March 07, 2022

We have to give it up for the guy on the phone today...He was put in a really tough situation, and was willing to admit something on air...That turned out to be one of the most embarrassing things we'

Second Date Update: Check The Ragu
March 04, 2022

The couple in today’s Second Date were worried about being WATCHED from afar at the end of their date. We’re gonna do some investigating and figure out WHO or WHAT the deal is in the podcast!

Second Date Update UPDATE: Cinna-Done
March 03, 2022

Jeremy and Anna were on our show a few months ago, and even after a little petty theft on their date they agreed to go out again. Now it's time to find out what's happened since we last talked!

Second Date Update: Trunk Trap
March 03, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date isn’t a drinker, but he took one shot before meeting up with his online match... And before long he was completely separated from her and had to track her down using onl

Second Date Update: Let's Chalk About It
March 02, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date has been out of the dating pool for a few years, and now after his first hangout isn’t calling him back, he wants our help of all things!

Second Date Update: Netflix And Fail
March 01, 2022

There's an art to executing the proper Netflix and Chill... And the listener on the phone today clearly didn't know that. Let this be a lesson of what NOT to do on a date!

Second Date Update: Lapping Up Love
February 28, 2022

What one of our listeners did in a public park during her first date was definitely… FREAKY. So much so, that it had us in studio wilding out.

Second Date Update: YouTaboo
February 25, 2022

We have a lot of questions going into today's Second Date...The biggest being where did the guy disappear to for the last TWO WEEKS?

Second Date Update: Sleep Doctor
February 24, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date fell asleep in the middle of a conversation during his first date! Normally that’s a deal breaker but the woman on the phone still wants our help getting a hold of him a

Second Date Update: Hysterical Not Historical Bus Tour
February 23, 2022

One of our listeners traveled around town on a SENSUAL Double Decker bus… and we’ll just tell you SOMEBODY got chippy with the tour director.