Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Brooke and Jeffrey: Second Date Update

Latest Episodes

Second Date Update: Sick in Love
September 26, 2022

The woman in today’s Second Date got in trouble on an UBER RIDE and it lead to easily one of the most humiliating first date stories we’ve ever heard!

Second Date Update: Fedora Floozie In A Jacuzzi
September 23, 2022

Today’s Second Date call involves a fedora, a jacuzzi and a big misunderstanding. We’ll try to sort it all out in the podcast!

Second Date Update UPDATE: Too Hot To Be Homeless
September 22, 2022

Today we’re reconnecting with a couple that has been on our show before. They seemed like a mis-match at the time but agreed to go out again and now we have an UPDATE on what they’ve been up to since!

Second Date Update: Cowboy Confusion
September 21, 2022

One of our listeners said she made the first move and left her comfort zone to hit on a handsome guy. That decision lead her here but maybe we can help her finish strong in an all-new Second Date!

Second Date Update: Brunette Has A Nice Ring To It
September 19, 2022

One of our listeners received one of the lamest pickup lines of all time… and went along with it! It ended her up here for a brand new Second Date podcast!

Second Date Update: Plane In The Neck
September 16, 2022

We might have had one the most awkward “jump to conclusion” moments we’ve ever had on this show and we’re just shocked we didn’t screw it up for the guy. Hear it in your new Second Date podcast!

Second Date Update: Senior Moment Slip Up
September 14, 2022

One of our listeners admits she broke more than FIVE unwritten rules of dating, but she says she had a good reason too! Hear what happened in a brand new Second Date podcast!

Second Date Update: Factory Fail
September 12, 2022

One of our listeners says he planned a surprise experience for a first date and it went off the rails as soon as they met in the parking lot! You’re gonna hear what it was in a brand new Second Date.

Second Date Update: Capes Not Vapes
September 09, 2022

One of our listeners is worried he got caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing during a big movie premiere and now he’s not getting a call back. Find out the questionable and hilarious thing he d

Second Date Update: Bats On The Beach
September 07, 2022

The guy in today’s Second Date said he tangled tongues at a very awkward time right in the middle of his date, and he DIDN’T initiate it. Why isn’t he getting a call back?