Seasteading Today

Seasteading Today

Podcast: Enterprise Cities with Shanker Singham - The Seasteading Institute

March 20, 2015

Respect for property rights
Predictable laws
Open unrestricted trade
Suppose through careful investigation you discovered that these are the key elements that allow societies to prosper. How do you embody these values in an actual legal structure?
More complicated yet, how do you insert such a legal structures into a larger more powerful legal structure that may have different ideas? How do you render these jurisdictions secure to convince investors it’s safe to build and hire there?
You can bet this process requires a specialist.
Shanker Singham works to create Enterprise Cities, zones with regulatory autonomy from their host governments. He brings decades of experience to his role as Managing Director of the Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project at Babson Global, where he works with entrepreneurs and government officials to establish the pre-conditions required for developing cities to flourish.
He thinks such cities can change the world.  We’d like to make some float.
What drives him? Why does he care so much?  Let’s hear what Shanker has to say about forging the legal frameworks for free Enterprise Cities.
Joe Quirk,
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