The Steve-Dave Reunion Tour

The Steve-Dave Reunion Tour

Latest Episodes

SDRT 44: The Assassination of Charlie Sheen by the Coward Emilio Estevez
March 01, 2011

In this podcast our leaders discuss Hollywood affairs, both past and present. They gloss over celebrity gossip such as Edward Furlong's spiral into darkness with lobsters and the exploits of the Estevez family.

SDRT 43: Nostradamus Had An Off-Day
February 22, 2011

In this podcast our leaders get stood up and make the most of it with speculation on what Nostradamus might have seen on a slow day.

Rocket to the Stars!
February 17, 2011

Animator, Steve Stark, takes clips of SModcast and animates them. This is a story of true love.

SDRT 42: Hitting The Wall
February 15, 2011

In this podcast our leaders grieve for a fallen superhero and have a serious moment themselves.

SDRT 41: I Guessed The Greeks Won
February 08, 2011

In this podcast our leaders look at the hippocracy of the education system. The special guest is Jeff...again.

SDRT 40: Thank You, Jesus!
February 02, 2011

In this podcast our leaders discuss the polarizing effect of atheism, the forthcoming Academy Awards, and real-life vigilante justice. The special guest is Jeff.

SDRT 39: Chicken Boners
January 26, 2011

In this podcast, our leaders regroup and welcome back two guests. The band explores porn parodies and other taboos. A bonus trivia game at the end of the episode will delight you.

SDRT 38: Ophiuchus
January 19, 2011

In this complete train wreck of a podcast, our leaders discover the most unholy horoscope.

SDRT 37: Significant for Another
January 11, 2011

In this podcast our leaders discuss the power of disco and matters of the heart.

SDRT 36: The Steve and Dave Happy New Year Celebration
January 04, 2011

In which our leaders welcome six special guests to usher in the New Year.