The SDG Podcast Network

The SDG Podcast Network

Setting Expectations

June 21, 2022

Setting Expectations

Expectations: How we can keep from disappointing ourselves and others for failing to predict the future.

Setting Expectations
Setting Expectations

Expectations: How we can keep from disappointing ourselves and others for failing to predict the future.

Conferences: Are they worth it?
Conferences: Are they worth it?

Is attending a tech conference worth it? We talk to Jeff Urban about Tech Conferences from the perspective of an attendee, speaker, and organizer and share our experiences.

When you feel Undervalued
When you feel Undervalued

Feeling undervalued, under appreciated, underpaid, and/or under-recognized. The podcasters adopt as positive an attitude as possible and try to figure out how to know when your feelings are justified or if you are just being paranoid, expecting too much or misreading the situation.

Getting Started with Indoor and Outdoor Gardening
Getting Started with Indoor and Outdoor Gardening

In the pursuit of the ultimate BLT sandwich, Brien Coffield joins us to talk about getting started with indoor or outdoor gardening.

Fads in Technology and Business
Fads in Technology and Business

The podcasters talk about fads. Business fads, tech fads, and other fads. We may have mistaken some trends for fads, so I guess we are talking about trends as well.

Joining the Data Evolution
Joining the Data Evolution

The Podcasters lean on a few of our data people to understand the evolution of data, data literacy, and joining the new world of Data in the cloud.

Building a Great Team Part 3: Norming & Performing
Building a Great Team Part 3: Norming & Performing

In the third and final part of our series on building a great team, Nick Bruecken joins us to talk about coming together as a well oiled machine that gets it done and how to keep it that way.

Building a Team Part Two: Storming & Norming
Building a Team Part Two: Storming & Norming

Part 2 of a 3 part series on building a great team with Nick Bruecken.

Storming: Now that you have formed, how do you finish “Storming” to get everyone settled into their roles and how the team will operate, and then move on to “Norming” where the team is operating as well oiled machine?

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The post Setting Expectations appeared first on Solution Design Group.