
Scrappy Episode 1: 70 Million Jobs
As a young boy growing up on Long Island, New York, Richard Bronson was mainly interested in reading and writing. He was even the editor of his high school newspaper. But by the time he got out of college, his biggest interest was in making money and living the high life. These desires led him to rise through the ranks of one of the most infamous investment firms on Wall Street – Stratton Oakmont (as featured in Martin Scorcese’s “The Wolf of Wall Street”). But the good life he created was built on lies, deception and corruption that would not go unpunished. After a two-year stint in prison, Richard chose to turn his life around, and found a new calling – helping other ex-felons find good and honest work.
* 70 Million Jobs* U.S. Departent of Justice 2018 Update on Recidivism