Scott LaPierre Ministries

Scott LaPierre Ministries

Knowledge Puffs Up but Love Builds Up – We Use Knowledge Immorally When It Divides and Makes Proud

January 01, 2021

Paul said that “Knowledge puffs up but love builds up,” (1 Corinthians 8:1). Knowledge is amoral, but it can be used in moral and immoral ways:

Morally when it’s combined with love and builds upImmorally when it’s combined with pride and leads to condemning others over nonessentials

Paul said that “Knowledge puffs up but love builds up,” (1 Corinthians 8:1). Knowledge is amoral, but it can be used in moral and immoral ways.

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Table of ContentsSermon Lessons for Knowledge Puffs Up but Love Builds Up Family Worship Guide for Knowledge Puffs Up but Love Builds Up Sermon Notes for Knowledge Puffs Up but Love Builds UpLesson 1: knowledge is amoral, but the way we use it