Scott LaPierre Ministries

Jesus Came into the World: Unveiling His Divine Mission | Isaiah 61:1-2 and 1 Timothy 1:15
What was Jesus' divine mission? In this sermon, discover the profound reasons why Jesus came into the world as outlined in Isaiah 61:1-2 and 1 Timothy 1:15. From preaching to the spiritually poor to saving sinners, this message unveils the heart of Christ's purpose.
Table of contentsJesus is the Anointed OneJesus Came Into the World to Preach to the Spiritually PoorEverything Flows from the GospelJesus Came Into the World to Heal Broken HeartsJesus Came Into the World to Provide Spiritual FreedomThe Two People on the Road to Emmaus Misunderstood Jesus's First ComingJohn the Baptist Misunderstood Jesus's First ComingThe Worst Slavery Is Spiritually to SinJesus Came Into the World to Give Us GraceJesus Came Into the World to Save SinnersThe Day of Vengeance of Our GodWe Receive God’s Favor or VengeanceThe Favor of Jesus's First ComingNo Mention of Jesus Being a King
Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, asked people to describe their job in one sentence. Here are the top six responses he received:
A pilot said, “My job is to spend most of the day looking out the window.”
A security guard said, “My job is to run away and call the police.”
A university professor said, “My job is to talk in other people’s sleep.”
A photographer said, “My job is to shoot couples on their wedding day!”
A flight attendant said, “My job is to ‘Be so fly!’”
A real estate agent said, “My job is to house people in.”
Isaiah 61:1 describes Jesus’s job in one sentence:
Isaiah 61:1b bring good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty to the captives, [open] the prison to those who are bound, [and] proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.
Jesus was anointed to do these five things. We’ll look at each one to appreciate why Jesus came into the world.
Let’s back up to the beginning of Isaiah 61:1 to get the context:
Isaiah 61:1a “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,
These verses are in the first person. The prophet Isaiah wrote them, but we are to read them as though Jesus is saying them through Isaiah.
Jesus is the Anointed One
These first few words are fascinating because the Trinity, or God’s triune nature, wasn’t as evident in the Old Testament as the New. But this is verse shows all three Persons of the Godhead: The Spirit is God the Holy Spirit, the Lord God is God the Father, and "Me" is God the Son. Then Jesus says:
Isaiah 61:1b Because the Lord has anointed Me
The Hebrew word for anointed is māšaḥ, from which we get our English word “Messiah.” The Greek word for anointed is christos, from which we get our English word “Christ.” Christ and Messiah both mean anointed, but one is in Hebrew and one is Greek. Saying Jesus is the Christ or Messiah is saying He’s the Anointed One.
People were anointed to be set apart for a special ministry or purpose. Even though many people were anointed, Jesus is thee Anointed One. He was set apart for a special ministry or purpose, which is beautifully described in the rest of the verse.
Jesus Came Into the World to Preach to the Spiritually Poor
The first thing Jesus came into the world to do:
Isaiah 61:1c to bring good news to the poor
Gospel means good news. Jesus was anointed to preach the gospel to the poor. This might surprise you because you think, “Didn’t Jesus preach the gospel to everyone? Why only the poor? Did He have a problem with the rich?”
The verse is not financial. It is spiritual. This doesn’t mean Jesus preached the gospel to the spiritually poor as though some were spiritually rich. It would be better to understand this as Jesus came to preach the gospel to those who recognized they were spiritually poor. We are all spiritually poor, but we don’t all recognize it.
People who recognize their spiritual poverty know they are sinners. They know they have nothing valuable to buy or earn their way into heaven.