Scott Ross Discipleship

Latest Episodes
Pneumatology Lesson 35 - The Pentecostal Position
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about the Pentecostal position on []
Pneumatology Lesson 34 - Baptism by John the Baptist vs by Jesus
Baptism by John the Baptist vs Baptism by Jesus Christ Welcome to the Scott Ross []
Pneumatology Lesson 33 – The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast []
Pneumatology Lesson 32 - Baptism by Water or by The Holy Spirit?
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about the different types of []
Pneumatology Lesson 31 - Evangelicalism and The Holy Spirit
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about Evangelicalism and The Holy []
Pneumatology Lesson 29 - Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about becoming saved and the []
Pneumatology Lesson 28 - Prayer Language
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about languages and speaking in Pneumatology Lesson 28 Prayer Language Read More
Pneumatology Lesson 27 - The Holy Spirit in the Modern World
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast discusses all the juicy aspects of Pneumatology Lesson 27 The Holy Spirit in the Modern World Read More
Pneumatology Lesson 26 - His anointing teaches you all things
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast is about anointing; being anointed by Pneumatology Lesson 26 His anointing teaches you all things Read More
Pneumatology Lesson 25 – All three members of the Godhead
Welcome to the Scott Ross discipleship podcast. Todays podcast discusses the Godhead and the many []