Scientific Imagination

Building a Life in Space – Michal Ziso Building a Life in Space - Michal Ziso
Michal Ziso is a two time TEDx speaker (TEDxISU International Space University, Strasbourg, France + TEDxJaffaWomen, Tel Aviv, Israel), frequent lecturer and mentor at academic institutions, organizations and creative tech companies such as ISA - Israeli Space Agency, Ramon Foundation, UNOOSA, Explore Mars, Parsons School of Design, Wix and more. She's a graduate of the Architecture & Urban Planning Faculty at the Technion - Israel's Institute of Technology and the Politecnico di Milano, and is an ISU (International Space University) Space Studies Program Alumni. With a mission to create a built environment in space and on earth that fits the needs of its diverse users to ensure not only a surviving but thriving human society, Michal is actively raising awareness for gender and human equality through work with international organizations such as Global Citizen, UN Women, UN SDG global and SDG Israel. ZISO was chosen to be part of the 10 top global initiatives fighting for gender equality by the UN SDG Action Campaign of 2019. As a mentor to young individuals, especially young women, at various forums such as UNOOSA Space4Women, ProWoman organization and ISE (Israel Startup Experience), Michal promotes courageous creative thinking, innovation through extreme conditions and encourages all to become passionate change agents.
In this podcast Michal and I talk about how imagining living and building in space, can help re-thinking architectural and societal structures here on Earth.