Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine Podcast

Latest Episodes

How humans survived an ancient volcanic winter and how disgust shapes ecosystems
March 15, 2018

Stories on humanity’s brush with annihilation 74,000 years ago and how animals avoid gross things for their own safety.

Animals that don’t need people to be domesticated; the astonishing spread of false news; and links between gender, sexual orientation, and speech
March 08, 2018

Stories on animals that didn't need human help to become tame; false news spreads deeper, wider, and faster than true news-with or without bots; and listening for gender and sexual orientation in human speech

A new dark matter signal from the early universe, massive family trees, and how we might respond to alien contact
March 01, 2018

Stories on hints of dark matter at the dawn of the cosmos, what giant family trees can tell us about human behavior, and how people think they would react to alien microbes

Neandertals that made art, live news from the AAAS Annual Meeting, and the emotional experience of being a scientist
February 22, 2018

Live news stories from the AAAS Annual Meeting, new dates on cave paintings reveal a Neandertal’s hand, and a review of a geologist’s book on wild times in Iceland

Genes that turn off after death, and debunking the sugar conspiracy
February 15, 2018

Stories on what we can learn from gene activity after death, and whether the sugar industry really influenced U.S. nutrition policy

Happy lab animals may make better research subjects, and understanding the chemistry of the indoor environment
February 08, 2018

Stories on how making lab animals happy may make them better experimental models, and the chemistry that’s happening in the air and on surfaces in our homes

Following 1000 people for decades to learn about the interplay of health, environment, and temperament, and investigating why naked mole rats don’t seem to age
February 01, 2018

Stories on a comprehensive study of all the babies born in 1 year at small New Zealand hospital, and how naked mole rats break a biological aging law

The dangers of dismantling a geoengineered sun shield and the importance of genes we don’t inherit
January 25, 2018

Stories on how the planet would react to the collapse of a humanmade solar shield, and the influence of our parents’ genes on us—even when we don’t inherit them

Unearthed letters reveal changes in Fields Medal awards, and predicting crime with computers is no easy feat
January 18, 2018

Podcast: The mysterious history of the Fields Medal, and using computers to predict crime

Salad-eating sharks, and what happens after quantum computing achieves quantum supremacy
January 11, 2018

Stories on seagrass-consuming bonnethead sharks, tracing whale routes through their barnacles, and which domains of science might benefit from quantum computing