Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine Podcast

Ancient artifacts on the beaches of Northern Europe, and how we remember music

March 19, 2020

On this week’s show, host Joel Goldberg talks with science journalist Andrew Curry about archaeological finds from thousands of years ago along the shores of Northern Europe. Curry outlines the rich history of the region that scientists, citizen scientists, and energy companies have helped dredge up.

Also this week, from a recording made at this year’s AAAS annual meeting in Seattle, host Meagan Cantwell speaks with Elizabeth Margulis, a professor at Princeton University, about musical memory. Margulis explains what research tells us about how our brains process music, and dives into her own study on how Western and non-Western audiences interpret the same song differently.

This week’s episode was edited by Podigy.

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[Image: Sebastian Reinecke/Flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]