#065 What does the California Democratic Party do? Special Guest Daraka Larimore-Hall, Candidate for CDP Chair and current Vice Chair
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Schmolitics Special Guest Daraka Larimore-Hall @DarakaforCDPChair and @DarakaKenric, candidate for Chair and current Vice Chair of the California Democratic Party. And Dan runs for reelection as an assembly district delegate!
What does the California Democratic do, exactly? Whatever you know or don’t know about the California Democratic Party, this is for you.
Since California is run by Democrats, does that mean the chair of the California Democratic Party is actually running our state, like China’s one-party rule? And, how do the decisions made at the top of the party ripple down to your neighborhood and vice versa?
Thank you to Daraka Larimore-Hall @DarakaforCDPChair
Thank you to Jeremy Lee for editing this episode and for late-night collaborating!!
Schmolitics is Dan Gordon, LA-based progressive, voiceover artist, and communications for Beth Finn for Philadelphia City Council.
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