

#052 Parkland, Congress, and Represent.Us w/Sean McMorris

February 16, 2018

Guest: Sean McMoriss, Represent San Gabriel Valley Chapter, Represent.Us

How do we take our democracy back?

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has left at least 17 people dead. Students and adults are among the victims.

Congress’ gridlock goes beyond gun control. Other reforms with broad support by American voters don't go anywhere, like big money in politics. And it's because of big money influence on politicians that most Americans have little effect on what their elected officials do, even on crucial issues like gun control.

How much influence do Americans have on how their representatives vote in Congress? And how do we unrig this broken system?


Represent San Gabriel Valley

Closing Song performed for by Ed Helms and Jack Black.

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