Scary Spirits Podcast

The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings – Our Favorite Cryptids

Welcome to the tenth episode of The Scary Spirits Podcast Presents: Wicked Ramblings, an entertainment podcast that strives to answer the twisted questions currently burning a bright hole in your dark soul. This episode our hosts are without a special guest, but they discuss their favorite Cryptids. What is your favorite Cryptid?
Some of the topics and questions covered this episode include:
- What exactly is “Cryptozoology”?
- Who is the “Father of Cryptozoology”?
- Karen is not a good gambler.
- Greg makes a reference to the Black Sabbath album “Born Again”.
- Karen tells us about the “Jersey Devil”.
- Greg gives us information about the “Wendigo”.
- Do you know the meaning of the word “Chupacabra”?
- Have you ever heard an an “Earth Hound”?
- There’s lots of crazy things happening in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.
- Greg lives in the area stalked by the “Loveland Frogman”.
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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.
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