Scary Spirits Podcast

Scary Spirits Podcast

Mystery of the Wax Museum – SSP097

March 01, 2023
Mystery of the Wax Museum

Celebrating what would have been Lionel Atwill’s 138th birthday on March 1, 2023, Karen has chosen the 1933 film “Mystery of the Wax Museum” starring Mr. Atwill and Fay Wray for our viewing enjoyment this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while enjoying a “Galaxy Magic Mule“ cocktail. Karen found the recipe below on

Galaxy Magic Mule Cocktail

Magic Blue Ice:

• 8 flowers of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea
• 2 cups hot water

Galaxy Magic Moscow Mule:

• 2 oz vodka
• 1/2 oz freshly squeezed lime juice
• 4-6 oz ginger beer
• crushed ice
• crushed “Magic Blue Ice”

Magic Blue Ice Instructions:

  1. Add hot water to the Butterfly Pea Flowers.
  2. Allow to steep for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Strain out flowers.
  4. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  5. Crush ice and use in cocktail.

Galaxy Magic Mule Instructions:

  1. Partially fill the mug with crushed clear ice.
  2. Top with crushed Magic Blue Ice.
  3. Add lime juice.
  4. Add vodka.
  5. Add ginger beer.
  6. Top with additional Magic Blue Ice.

A Brief Synopsis: Ivan Igor is the sculptor at a famous wax museum in London. When his partner, Joe Worth, burns down the museum for the insurance money, Igor is trapped inside. Years later he re-emerges in New York as the curator of a new wax museum, which boasts incredibly lifelike statues. When model Joan Gale goes missing, however, reporter Florence Dempsey follows the clues to Igor’s museum, where she discovers a terrible secret.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • What is so special about the Butterfly Pea Flower?
  • Who was Pygmalion?
  • We learn a little bit about Laudanum.
  • Karen makes a Def Leppard reference.
  • Karen teaches a little about pH.
  • How much is £15,000 in 1933 money worth today?
  • Karen tells us about death masks.
  • Greg makes a Batman reference.
  • Once again we have a reference to Star Wars.
  • Greg tells us the value of a 1932 Auburn 12-160 Roadster.

Our rating of the film:
2 Cocktail Rating
This movie was pretty good. It only took us 2 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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