Scary Spirits Podcast

Scary Spirits Podcast

Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966) – SSP090

January 11, 2023
Dracula Prince of Darkness 1966

Celebrating the 57th anniversary of it’s release in The United States on January 12, Greg has chosen the 1966 Hammer film, “Dracula: Prince of Darkness” for our viewing pleasure this week. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a “Vampire’s Dream Cocktail“. The recipe that Greg found on is below.

Vampire’s Dream Cocktail Recipe

• 2 oz rum
• 7 oz cranberry juice
• 5 oz pineapple juice
• 1 oz Grenadine


  1. Combine ingredients in a mixer and either shake or stir.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Serve over chipped ice in a highball glass.

A Brief Synopsis: Four English travellers arrive at a tiny hamlet in the Carpathian Mountains and ignore warnings from the locals not to travel to Carlsbad, the domain of Count Dracula. A dark, driverless carriage arrives to take them to the sinister castle, but they discover too late that they have been lured there to provide the blood which will allow Dracula to rise from the grave once more.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • Karen references the Michael Keaton film “Beetlejuice”.
  • Greg mentions the Black+Decker Dustbuster several times.
  • Karen teaches us all about Hammer blood, also known as “Kensington Gore”.
  • We learn the definition of the word: exsanguinate.

Our rating of the film:

3 Cocktail Rating

This movie was OK. It took us 3 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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