Scary Spirits Podcast

Scary Spirits Podcast

C.H.U.D. – SSP071

August 31, 2022

Wanting to refresh her memory, Karen has chosen the 1984 film “C.H.U.D.” for our viewing pleasure this week. She saw this film way back in 1984, but she really didn’t remember it. Hmmm. Join Greg and Karen as they discuss the film while they enjoy a “New York Sour” cocktail. The recipe that Karen found on is below.

New York Sour Cocktail Recipe

• 2 oz bourbon
• 1 oz fresh lemon juice
• 1/2 oz simple syrup
• 1 oz fruity red wine, such as Zinfandel or Gamay
• 1 strip lemon zest


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Add bourbon, lemon juice, and simple syrup; seal lid on shaker, and shake until chilled and frost forms on shaker, about 15 seconds. Strain into a rocks glass filled with large ice cubes.
  2. Gently and slowly, pour wine over the back of a spoon held just above the cocktail’s surface, letting the wine float at top of glass. Pinch lemon peel over the cocktail, and run around the rim of the glass; add peel to glass as a garnish. Serve immediately.

A Brief Synopsis: Photographer George Cooper is documenting the lives of subterranean homeless people, a population that has mysteriously dwindled. After receiving information from a reporter, George becomes aware of a conspiracy theory about cannibalistic monsters lurking in the sewers. He teams up with the reporter, a policeman and a priest to fight two battles: one against the cannibals and the other against a corrupt government official.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • Just how much does a typical manhole cover weigh?
  • Where did manhole covers originate?
  • Karen schools us all about Hans Geiger and his instrument, the Geiger Counter.
  • Greg makes a “Land of The Lost” reference.
  • Remember Princess Phones? Greg does.
  • Karen makes an Iron Maiden reference. Greg is so proud of her!

Our rating of the film:

4 Cocktails Rating

This movie was so bad that it took us 4 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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