Scary Spirits Podcast

Scary Spirits Podcast

Prince of Darkness – SSP128

October 04, 2023
Prince of Darkness

Join us in honoring Donald Pleasence’s birthday on October 5th as we delve into the 1987 John Carpenter classic “Prince of Darkness.” Our engaging hosts share insights and lively discussions about the film, all while sipping on a specially crafted cocktail coined the “Green Dream,” expertly prepared by Greg himself. Explore the thematic depths of the film while indulging in this delightful concoction. Don’t miss out on this birthday tribute episode filled with cinematic intrigue and flavorful delights. Greg based the cocktail on a recipe he found on

Green Dream Cocktail Recipe

• 2 oz melon liqueur
• 2 oz coconut rum
• 2 oz pina colada nonalcoholic drink mix
• dash edible green glitter
• whipped cream (optional)


  1. Pour the Malibu coconut rum into a pina colada glass over ice.
  2. Add the pina colada mix, melon liqueur and edible glitter; serve unstirred to see color difference, stir when ready to drink.
  3. Serve with whipped cream on top if you wish.

A Brief Synopsis: Poking around in a church cellar, a priest finds an otherworldly vial filled with slime. Frightened, he brings his discovery to a circle of top scholars and scientists, who eventually learn that the strange liquid is the essence of Satan. The slime then begins to seep out, turning some of the academics into zombified killers. As the possessed battle the survivors, student Kelly is infected by a large quantity of the liquid and becomes Satan personified.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • Karen gives us a rundown of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.
  • We learn about supernovas white dwarf stars.
  • Karen gives us some background on the Coptic language.
  • Our hosts discuss the classic cartoon “Tom and Jerry”.
  • Greg makes a reference to the band “Blue Öyster Cult”.
  • We learn what the favorite hymn of Greg’s Mother was.

Our rating of the film:

4 Cocktails Rating

This movie was so bad that it took us 4 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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