Scary Spirits Podcast

Scary Spirits Podcast

The Birds – SSP121

August 16, 2023
The Birds

Celebrating what would have been the 134th birthday of Alfred Hitchcock on August 19th, Karen has chosen the 1963 masterpiece “The Birds”, featuring the brilliant performances of Tippi Hedren and Rod Taylor. Join Karen and Greg as they engage in an insightful discussion about the film. Enhance your experience by joining them in sipping on a cocktail named “The Crow“. Delve into the world of suspense and intrigue with our special birthday homage to the legendary Alfred Hitchcock. Karen found the recipe below for “The Crow” at

The Crow
• 2/3 whiskey
• 1/3 lemon juice
• 1 dash grenadine


  1. Shake well in cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass.
  2. Serve in a cocktail glass.

A Brief Synopsis: Melanie Daniels meets Mitch Brenner in a San Francisco pet store and decides to follow him home. She brings with her the gift of two love birds and they strike up a romance. One day birds start attacking children at Mitch’s sisters party. A huge assault starts on the town by attacking birds.

Some of the topics discussed and highlights of this episode include:

  • Karen gives us some information on the legendary costume designer Edith Head.
  • Did you know that the film was based on a short story by Daphne du Maurier?
  • Karen tells us all about myna birds.
  • Karen, who once lived in California, gives us some background on Bodego Bay.
  • Greg works in a reference to Taylor Swift.
  • Why are a group of crows called a “murder”?
  • Both of our hosts make references to the classic cartoon “Scooby Doo, Where are You?”.
  • Do you know how many different species of birds there are?
  • Exactly how much is an Aston Martin DB2/4 Drophead Coupe worth?
  • Greg tells us the names of 2 Alfred Hitchcock’s Sealyham Terriers that appear in the film.

Our rating of the film:
2 Cocktail Rating
This movie was pretty good. It only took us 2 cocktails to get through it.

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All music on the Scary Spirits Podcast is provided by the band “Verse 13”. Please check them out. You can listen to all their music on their Bandcamp page.

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