Scale Model Podcast

Scale Model Podcast

Scale Model Podcast Ep. 49 – Lincoln Wright – Big in Japan, Part Deux

June 23, 2020

Welcome to Episode 49 Sponsored by Goodman Models.
Stuart Clark
Anthony Goodman
Thanks to our wonderful Patreon Supporters!
SMP Super Model Contest 2020!
Presenting SMP’s Super Model Contest 2020 sponsored by Moscato Hobby Models
Any subject / Any scale / Anything goes / Must be your own work
3-month duration starting July 1st, Ending September 30th.
You must not start until July 1st.
Max. 3 pics and a brief (no more than 100 words) description
You must Include: Scale / Manufacturer / Subject Name
Prize: Baby Space Crab 1/48 Scale Resin Kit from Moscato Hobby Models

Our Judge is Terry Miesle of Terry’s Trade Secrets!
Send your photos and description to
David Waples writes:
Enjoyed the show and especially the interview.  I shared this with the other two podcasts as they were talking about egg/distorted/cute subjects.  I do these every Easter just for a break and for fun.  I love these Chibi-Maru kits from Fujimi because they include or can be purchased with photo etch, wood decks, and fit together beautifully.  Great way to dip your toes into multimedia shipbuilding.  This is the IJN Ise kit with photo etch and wood deck.  Thanks again for putting on a great show.

Ray Davis writes:
G’day Stuart and Anthony,
I hope that you are both doing well at this crazy time!
I know that it is well and truly overdue, but I’m sure that you can appreciate how flat out things have been. Especially with recently qualifying as a Volunteer Bush Fire Fighter with the RFS, here in Sydney.
I thought that I would kill two birds with one stone and show you my workspace that I use. (When I get the time). As well as letting you know, Anthony, that these Super Sanding Blocks work like a treat. As I am currently using them on a 1/72 Super Constellation that I am refurbishing slowly.
Anyway, I hope that both you and your families take care and stay safe and healthy.

Kindest Regards,

Allan Gillis writes: 
Hi Stuart, I was just listening to the latest episode and you mentioned your “what if” Canadian A-4 project. Something you might not know is that you could actually do a historically accurate Canadian A-4 Skyhawk! Yes, the RCN trialled the Skyhawk as a replacement for the Banshee’s on the HMCS Bonaventure, so we actually did operate them a little.
In the end, the A-4 was just too heavy and landed at too high a speed for the deck structure of the Bonnie.
I got that info from a guy who flew as part of a Tracker crew on the Bonnie, but there is also a brief reference to it on the Bonaventure’s Wikipedia page.
– Allan
Ricardo Salame sends in some of his Ma. K photos:

Meng is coming out with a 1/32 Fokker Triplane and the web is wondering if it’s WNW