SBA Podcast

SBA Podcast

Change Management, Innovation and Legal Tech in Law Firms

June 02, 2020

Warrick McLean is the Chief Executive Officer of Coleman Greig Lawyers.  Having worked in the professional services industry for 22 years, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his firm which has undertaken extensive transformation and growth in recent years. Warrick works extensively with the Principals and staff of Coleman Greig to identify, facilitate and implement the firm's strategic direction during this time of change.

In this episode, Warrick shares some insights regarding the challenges and opportunities of implementing legal tech, process transformation and being innovative in law firms.

Warrick talks about his firm’s experience of using team SBA and how Coleman Greig has adopted an innovation strategy focused on the ‘low hanging fruit’ in the innovation journey.

Warrick discusses innovation in legal practices and how to separate hype from real progress in implementing innovation and process transformation.

Warrick discusses Coleman Greig’s incremental innovation strategy focused on incremental gains rather than a step jump.

With the legal sector, Warrick discusses how to get easy wins in the legal tech journey and the importance of legal tech delivering value for clients and also ease of use.

The discussion summarises that legal tech and innovation does not need to be ‘bleeding edge’ or leading edge and can be successful through a 5% to 10% incremental change as part of the innovation journey.