Say Yes Podcast

Say Yes Podcast

121: Freelance Writing with Tess Wicks

August 11, 2016

A career switch is an important step in life, it might pushes you closer to your career goals, or it might completely changes your career direction. Whichever case it might be, it certainly takes immense amount of consideration and courage to take that leap.
I have Tess Wicks with me today as the guest for today’s episode. Tess educates women on personal finance through public speaking, blogging and podcasting on the Words + Money Podcast.
From a professional in the actuarial industry, who deals with numbers, logical solutions and mathematical formulas on a day-to-day basis, to becoming a freelance writer, who now deals with words and ideas that explores the creative part of her, it is a huge career shift indeed.
Today’s story is about how our guest today quits her corporate job and becoming a freelance writer. You’ll learn about some interesting stories about Tess which includes:

* Who an actuary really is and how actuary, as a professional, helps businesses to deal with risks and uncertainties.
* The reasons behind her big career switch, from a professional actuary to a freelance writer.
* How running her own podcast landed her first few gigs in freelance writing.
* The many different topics and areas that she currently writes about, and the type of company that she writes for the most.
* How does she find and obtain her clients as a freelance writer.
* The best thing she likes about being a freelance writer.
* The risks and challenges that she faced when she took the leap from a corporate world to the world of freelancing.
* How she felt about her current freelancing life now that she has moved out of the corporate world.

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