Say Yes Podcast

Say Yes Podcast

117: Minimalism with Danyell Jones

August 06, 2016

Minimalism is a concept that is loved and practiced by many. It involves decluttering your life, including getting rid of the things that you don’t actually need. This simple action of keeping the best and clearing the rest essentially frees up your mind, allowing you to put all your focus on the most important areas in your life.
I have Danyell Jones with me today as the guest for today’s episode. As the founder of MarketMeGuru, she helps small business owners with their marketing needs. It is an area where she has an abundance of experience as she has been in the corporate marketing and banking industry for more than 10 years.
Danyell is here today to share with us her experience with minimalism and the aftermath that follows. Few years ago, she noticed that she and her family members are putting too much effort in taking care of the things in their house, instead of interacting with each other and appreciating the presence of other family members. This realization ultimately led her to the bold decision to clear all the things in her house in order to improve the relationship among family members.
Today’s episode is about Danyell’s minimalism and how this concept has changed her life. You’ll be able to understand more about:

* Her story and the reason behind her shift into minimalism.
* The transition process, including some of the dramatic steps that she has taken to remove all the stuff from her house.
* How she and her family members felt after getting rid of the things that aren’t essential to their life.
* The biggest resistance that she had to deal with after incorporating minimalism into her life.
* How saying yes to minimalism helps her and her family to achieve more freedom in their life.

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