世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense
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【自分軸と相手軸:ダイバーシティーコミュニケーションの秘密PART1】AI時代に最も育みたい力~Vol 11~ “Diversity Communication & Storytelling are the most important skills for our future?
~ "Diversity Communication & Storytelling are the most important skills for our future?
【自分軸大人編:使命の見つけ方PART3】体の特徴、考え方の特徴、性質が答えを教えてくれる?PODCAST VOL10〜Your body, your way of thinking and your character tell you the answer?
Your body, your way of thinking and your character tell you the answer?
【10年間ありがとう!自分軸大人編:使命の見つけ方PART2】PODCAST VOL9〜使命に出会うために必要なブレイクスルーは?What breakthrough do I need for finding my mission?
What breakthrough do I need for finding my mission?
【自分軸大人編:使命の見つけ方Part1】Podcast Vol8 ~ How do you find your natural abilities, character and core genius?
How do you find your natural abilities, character and core genius?
【自分軸(特典原稿付):未来を切り拓くために必須の10の力とは?】PodcastラジオVol 7:10 MUST abilities that children need to nurture for the future!
PodcastラジオVol 7:10 MUST abilities that children need to nurture for the future!
【自分軸子供編:育児と教育で子どものアイデンティティーを開花させるには?】PodcastラジオVol 6:What is “Identity” and how do you pull out children’s identity fully?
What is "Identity" and how do you pull out children's identity fully?
【自分軸・アイデンティティーとは?】Q)価値観・キャラクターは一生変わらないもの?〜PodcastラジオVol 5:What is “Identity”? Who am I?~ Do my identity (values and character) change?
What is "Identity"? Who are you?~ Does your value and character change?
【シリコンバレー特集4】Facebook/Apple/Intel/Google本社を訪問~PodcastラジオVo4: Visiting FB/Apple/Intel/Google in Silicon Valley
【シリコンバレー特集3】AI時代の教育インタビュー~PodcastラジオVo3: Education in Silicon Valley
【シリコンバレー特集2】@スタンフォード大学:プログラミング教育で大切にしたいこと ~ PodcastラジオVol.2~What you need to know for programming education @Stanford University
@スタンフォード大学「プログラミング教育で大切にしたいこと」~What you need to know for programming education @Stanford University Vol2