世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

【VISION2023】ストレスケア&自信を育んでVISIONを実現する10のヒント(前半) ~ PODCAST VOL98 10 Tips to achieve your vision in 2023 by releasing your stress and building your confidence!

January 09, 2023

Happy new year everyone! I hope you all had a beautiful Christmas and a new year time with your loved ones! As for me, I could wear Kimono which my late grandmother passed down for me. I also could go skiing, ate Japanese traditional New Year Osechi and Ozoni, with my family and relatives which nurtured my heart. It is always a very special time of the year for me. Today’s episode is about 10 tips on how to achieve your vision in 2023 by releasing your stress and building your confidence. Hope it will nurture your heart and boost your energy!!!




サユリセンス と関わってくださる皆様にとって、新しい年が健康で、笑顔溢れる年となるよう願っています。


サユリセンス にとって、今年は3月で法人設立10周年を迎える大切な年となります。これからはしっかりあり方を整えれば、どんな個人にも可能性あふれるフェアな世界が待っています。時代を味方につけることもできるし、一歩間違えれば生きにくい時代と感じることになってしまいます。
