世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

【「人間の3つの心理的欲求」が満たされるウェル・ビーイング】運動心理学×海外経験20年の大学教授が語る~Podcast Vol191: The Three Psychological Needs for Well-Being and Personal Growth

January 31, 2025
Go8「グループ・オブ・エイト」(Group of Eight)という、オーストラリアの8つの大学で成り立つネットワークの初のGo8卒業生ジョイントイベントが、日本で初めて開催。Photo taken by Hiroshi Ito

Hello, everyone! In the second half of this episode, we welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata from Rikkyo University, who has extensive international experience at institutions such as Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and universities in Australia.

His expertise lies in Sports Psychology.

In this episode, he will provide insights from an academic psychology perspective on how individuals can create a personal vision that fosters psychological fulfillment, while also sharing a broader vision of Japan from a global perspective.

