世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

【世界でも実践!1年を締めくくるための秘訣は、松果体にある?】来年可能性を開花できるためのレジリエンス② Podcast Vol183: Activate pineal gland to promote deep sleep.

December 17, 2024

Hi everyone! As we approach the end of the year, let’s talk about how to finish it strong and set ourselves up for success in the year ahead. In this episode, we’ll focus on the pineal gland, the part of the brain responsible for producing melatonin. By activating the pineal gland, we can promote deep, restorative sleep, helping us recharge both mentally and physically.

We’ll also explore how this process can suppress overactivity in the amygdala, allowing us to manage stress more effectively and restore balance to our autonomic nervous system. Together, these steps can help us enter the new year feeling refreshed, recharged, and ready to thrive!

Let’s dive in!



✔️ 今年、グローバルコミュニティでよく耳にしたキーワードは?!

✔️ どのようなイメージで年末を過ごすと、新しい一年を最高のエネルギーで迎えられる?

✔️ 20年の道のりを、一つの節目としてどのように過ごす?

✔️ 今年の漢字は?
