世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

1年を振り返る、とっておきの秘訣〜2025年を輝かせるために Podcast Vol181: December reflections: Review your year and thrive in 2025!”

December 04, 2024


Hi everyone! Can you believe it’s already December? As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on how we’ve spent the past 12 months and prepare for the new year ahead. Revisiting the resolutions we set at the beginning of the year can give us valuable insights and set the stage for success in the coming year.

In today’s episode, we’ll explore how to critically review our actions and achievements from this year to thrive in the next one!

