世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

【英語4技能】スピーキング力アップの秘訣~Podcast Vol153 How to improve your speaking?

June 09, 2024

Hi everyone! June is my favorite Lavender season and that’s my brand color as well! How are you everyone? As for me, I need to tell you my secret. My husband and I totally forget our 20th wedding anniversary this month! It happens when you are busy. I was shocked but I hope we can make up for it very soon! Today I will be sharing some of my and my  companies tips about improving English speaking.



