世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

【10代の脳】リラックスして自己肯定感を育むためのコミュニケーション「5つの知識」(思春期編②)〜Podcast Vol150:What are the 5 critical communication tips for parenting adolescent children

May 19, 2024

Hi everyone! I introduced one of the stories about parenting adolescent children last time. I got many messages from parents and educators and some of them are leaders and CEOs. No matter what you do or where you live, we go through the same experiences. This time, I will narrow down to 5 critical communication tips so we can be a better person/parent for our children.




