世界に自分軸を輝かせよう!"Who you are" makes the world a better place! by Sayuri Sense

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【Self-love】グラミー賞2025が映す時代のキーワード〜Alicia Keysのスピーチを紐解く〜Podcast Vol194: Unpacking Alicia Keys’ powerful Grammy speech 2025
Every year, the Grammy Awards reflect the spirit of the times, and through the artistsnumerous powerful speeches, we can interpret what each artist is thinking and which ideas or communities they su
【Self-Love♡生き方と伝え方】グラミー賞2025から学ぶアイデンティティー Doechiiスピーチ全文〜Podcast Vol193: Self-Love & Expression: Lessons on Identity from the 2025 GRAMMY Awards
Welcome, everyone! January was Vision Series! And February is SELF-LOVE MONTH To achieve any vision, its essential to cherish yourself and build healthy communication. This time, I was truly inspire
【心理学✖️目標】幸福感が高まる「フロー理論」とは?ー大学教授から学ぶ〜Podcast Vol 192:【Psychology✖️Goal】A professor talks about “Flow Theory”
Hello everyone, and welcome!Today, we again welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata, an expert in sports psychology, to explore the flow statea mental state that enhances happiness and performance. So, how
【「人間の3つの心理的欲求」が満たされるウェル・ビーイング】運動心理学×海外経験20年の大学教授が語る~Podcast Vol191: The Three Psychological Needs for Well-Being and Personal Growth
Hello, everyone! In the second half of this episode, we welcome Prof. Masato Kawabata from Rikkyo University, who has extensive international experience at institutions such as Nanyang Technological U
【大学教授が語る日本の可能性と課題】運動心理学×海外経験20年からの視点~Podcast Vol190: A professor (Sports Psychology) talks about Japan’s Potential and Challenges
Im so excited to welcome Dr. Masato Kawabata as our guest today. He is a professor specializing in Sports Psychology at Rikkyo University. He obtained his PhD in Australia. Following that, he taught
Hello everyone! Over the past weekend, the University Entrance Exam was held in Japan. Im thrilled to hear that many of my students and clients achieved 90% accuracy on the test and reached their goa
【英語Visionシリーズ2025】受験英語と生きた英語を「最速で」同時に育むの3つのポイントPart2~Podcast Vol189:The Key to Parenting: Helping your child both Exam and Real-Life English
Welcome back to the show, everyone We have more tips and exciting guests coming on the Vision Series Podcast!
【英語Visionシリーズ2025】受験英語と生きた英語を同時に育むたった一つの秘訣Part1~Podcast VOL188:The Key to Parenting: Helping your child Both Exam and Real-Life English
Welcome to a New Year Vision series of my podcast! My name is Sayuri, and this podcast is all about education that heals and uplifts you! Many of my Japanese listeners are working hard to master Eng