Spiritual Straight Talk

Spiritual Straight Talk

Episode 97 – Seeking Divine Guidance

December 04, 2022

Life is a journey. If you are walking a spiritual path, you understand this. I have been walking my spiritual path for about 15 years. Over that time period I’ve trekked over mountains of inner emotional pain, experienced inner peace beyond understanding, and followed Divine Guidance every step of the way. It has not been easy, but I have learned a lot and experienced personal growth.

Creating the habit of asking Holy Spirit for truthful guidance takes time. It takes surrendering your inner critic’s wanting to be in control and make decisions. When the false ego gets involved, you will find that your path becomes rocky, uneven, causing you to stumble and struggle. When you follow your Inner Guidance System, good things happen, you feel more peaceful, you appreciate the truth, you feel happier knowing just how supported and loved you are.

Do you use your Inner Guidance System to help guide your life? Do you struggle to make decisions, worry about situations, or make snap decisions that lead no where? Listen in and enjoy!