Spiritual Straight Talk

Spiritual Straight Talk

Episode 111 – Bunny Rescue

September 06, 2024

The sun was shining brightly in the park on a lovely morning as I walked with my dog Abby, a 12-pound Rat Terrier. This was her preferred route for walks, following the gravel path that hugged the border of the park next to a chain-link fence and the elementary school playground. As we meandered through the park, a stunning white bunny caught my eye, basking in the sun and enjoying its breakfast of grass. Its white fur and tall black ears marked it as clearly not a wild rabbit, but a domesticated pet that had likely been abandoned in the park. Listen in to our bunny rescue adventure. It has a happy ending!

The post Episode 111 – Bunny Rescue first appeared on Soul Safari - Suzanne Thibault.