Spiritual Straight Talk

Spiritual Straight Talk

Episode 102 – When Life Gives You Lemons

October 03, 2023

For Halloween this year, Siri suggested I wear a nametag titled Life and hand out lemons. I thought that was hysterical! Then I remembered that life really does hand out lemons. Lemons are those sour moments and situations in life that create stress, overwhelm and unhappiness. It’s those situations that upset you, stress you out, and leave a sour taste in your mouth.

Lemons get a bad rap though. If everything in life was a ‘piece of cake’ then life would be boring! How do you make lemonade out of life’s lemons? Listen in and hear my spiritual recipe for making lemonade out of life’s lemons.

Happy Fall Y’all!

The post Episode 102 – When Life Gives You Lemons first appeared on Soul Safari - Suzanne Thibault.