Saving Fatherhood Podcast

Saving Fatherhood Podcast

2021 03 17 – Re-play of FAN-PAC Legal Symposium

March 17, 2021

On March 5th, 2021 FAN-PAC of New Jersey ( held a legal symposium followed by a question and answer session with Attorney Steven M. Resnick, Esq., a partner at Ziegler, Resnick & Epstein. He is a matrimonial and family lawyer and one of New Jersey’s trailblazing practitioners in custody matters and the area of parental alienation.

A highly skilled litigator, Mr. Resnick handles all aspects of matrimonial and family law relating to divorce, equitable distribution, palimony, annulment, high net worth, pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements, business valuations, real estate, domestic violence, custody and visitation, paternity, estate/will contests, judgment/agreement modification, appeals, N.J. Supreme Court maters, trial, and case second opinions, among others. Mr. Resnick has also served as co-counsel for numerous out-of-state matters.

Mr. Resnick recently broke new legal ground in New Jersey on the subject of parental alienation and has argued before the Appellate Division of New Jersey and New Jersey Supreme Court on many other matrimonial and family law issues, as well.

Below are the questions from the Q&A period. If you have a question about this event please reach out to If you are interested in learning more about FAN PAC or supporting their efforts please use the following links.

My case and many others in New Jersey would indicate the family court system has failed to meet its obligation as noted in 9:2-4, 'The Legislature finds and declares that it is in the public policy of this State to assure minor children of frequent and continuing contact with both parents after the parents have separated or dissolved their marriage and that it is in the public interest to encourage parents to share the rights and responsibilities of child rearing'

In your opinion, is the family court functioning as it should in high conflict custody cases?  

If so please discuss how?  If not, what does the system need to meet this objective?  

It cost me $230k in legal fees to defend my right and obligation to maintain a relationship and support my children.  Once the money ran out so did my lawyer.  Is a lawyers job only to vigorously defend me when there is money?

What are the professional conflicts a family law attorney must weigh?  Is a lawyer an officer of the court first? Then represent their clients interests?  

Do family court judges have too much discretion? How can I get a court order enforced? I have been trying to for years but, they run me around in an expensive circle.

Can you sue the court /judge for PTSD Associated with alienation and numerous years of abuse during trial?

"January 1, 2018 my ex and I are divorced (vanilla - almost 50/50 & no mention of abuse). June, 2018 my ex is interviewed. The night prior, I am told by our son; ""Dad, you would lie if it meant more money for your family, right?""My ex received $10k to say ""I abused her and my kids"".

I have a liable/slander case against the corporation whom paid her and posted my kids pics on their website.My question: when & if my ex or my kids claim ""abuse""; isn't that...
