Saving Fatherhood Podcast

Saving Fatherhood Podcast

35 – Custody Denied! – the movie

May 13, 2020

MARYANN PETRI, author of the new book called, “Dismantling Family Court Corruption.” Subtitle, Why taking the Kids was not enough.


* False allegations which brought her into this mess.* The family court motive was to take away the kids (motive is child support)a. They didn’t want to hear about thatb. Couldn’t work being around kids.c. Can’t work no money.* Debtors prison!* Heart Attack 5 months later.a. Wouldn’t adjust child support.* Canadian Film producer to make a movie about the book!* Are Narcissists irredeemable? * Female version of Job?* Pennsylvania HB 1397 - In favor of 50/50 shared parenting * Are you in favor of equal shared parenting?* Was the bill written properly in your opinion?* Accountability for Judges.


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Source book for the proposed movie - Custody Denied!