Saving With Silverman
Common Mistakes People Make with Their Financial Plan
Building a financial plan can be done on your own, but there’s a much greater chance of making a mistake. Without having a professional to provide you with solutions and help you craft a strategy that fits your needs, you put yourself at risk of following bad advice or overlooking important aspects of a comprehensive retirement plan. Let’s look at four common mistakes we see investors make and what you can do to avoid them.
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Today's show rundown:
0:51 – The first mistake we see is people believe bonds are a completely safe investment.
2:11 – The second mistake is not protecting yourself from long-term care needs.
3:47 – The third mistake is not protecting yourself from market decline.
5:11 – There are many tools and strategies that you can use during the planning process.
6:16 – The fourth mistake is not having a plan at all.