The Save The Marriage Podcast

The Save The Marriage Podcast

Latest Episodes

3 Turning Points To Act On
September 04, 2024

Many times, people contact me to tell me that their marriage is... well... continuing to spiral down, in spite of their efforts. - Over the years, I have noted some "turning points," when things often

Get Knocked Down, Get Back Up
August 28, 2024

You started working on saving your marriage. Good for you! - And then, you hit a bump. You get knocked down. Maybe you discovered an affair, physical or emotional. Maybe your spouse is irritable a

Is Your Spouse Stuck in the Negative?
August 14, 2024

Several listeners asked why a spouse only remembers the negative, or only dwells on the negative. Why don't they remember the good times or see the good things? - Over the years, I have noticed this

How To Know If It’s Too Late To Save Your Marriage
August 07, 2024

How do you know if it is too late to save your marriage?? - That happens to be one of the most common questions I get from people... sometimes even at the beginning of a coaching sessions. But also b

The Path is to WE
July 31, 2024

My approach is the 3C approach to saving your marriage. The 3C's are C-onnect, C-hange, and C-reate. Connect with your spouse. Change yourself. Create a new path. - The first two may be more obvio

“Space” vs. Connection
July 17, 2024

It is such a common demand from a spouse during a marital crisis: I need space! You just need to give me space! - Yet here I am, telling you to connect with your spouse, to rebuild the broken conn

4 Stages of Crisis Awareness
July 10, 2024

In my Save The Marriage System Quick-Start Guide, I show the 8 distinct stages of a marriage crisis. But those are the stages of the crisis. There are also stages to your awareness of the crisis. - T

Who’s The Bigger Victim?
July 03, 2024

Most people dont come right out and say it, but they have a sneaking suspicion that they are the victim in their marital situation. They believe they have been done wrong more wrong than they have

“What About ME??” – When YOU Feel Unloved
June 26, 2024

Let me be the first to say, saving your marriage can be hard on you emotionally! - Well, I don't really need to tell you, do I? YOU are living it! - One of the tough things, if you are going it alone

What Makes Marital Therapy Succeed or Fail?? The Factors
June 19, 2024

For many couples in a troubled marriage, their first stop is marital therapy. In fact, for many, it is almost an instinctive reaction. Marriage problem? Head for therapy. - How do I know? - Because