The Satyrsphere

The Satyrsphere

The Satyrsphere #257 – The Satyrsphere LIVE 2020

June 30, 2020

It’s time for the Pride48 live streaming event and, of course, Captain Scott & Cindy are honored to be a part of it. We talk some television and some gaming, among other topics. What’s not to be missed is the live Mystery Musical selection! Thank you Pride48 for allowing is to be a part of this wonderful weekend! Please go to and hit that big purple donate button to keep great LGBT podcasts streaming. #PodPride We would like to thank Daniel Brewer for keeping our website, running! Contact us at Tweet us on Twitter at @Satyrsphere. Call our voicemail line at 315-728-9769. Until next time,  This is the Satyr, over & out!